[if lt IE 9]> <![endif]Samantha Wheeler, Wombat Warrior - The Boomerang Books Blog
Thank you for speaking with Boomerang Blog, Samantha.

My pleasure, thanks for asking
Where are you based, what is your background and how are you involved in Australia’s children’s literature community?
I split my time between our inner city home near the Brisbane CBD, and a small property we have near the Sunshine Coast. I came to writing quite a late, only writing my first story after completing the Year of The Novel course at the Qld Writers Centre in 2009. Prior to that I worked with farmers and taught agriculture and science in high schools. My first published story, Smooch & Rose, about koalas in Redland Bay, was accepted by UQP after I pitched to Kristina Schulz at the CYA conference in 2012, and was published in 2013. Being fairly new to writing, I’ve found the children’s literature community in Brisbane, and Australia wide to be incredibly welcoming and encouraging. I feel very lucky to have chosen this genre for my books.
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